

Title: ScreenCapture_2019-3-11 12.14.51

Duration: 2:37 minutes


This video describes the ways in which Shell is investing in cleaner energy solutions through its New Energies business, building on Shell’s experience in lower-carbon technology, and exploring new commercial models focused on the world's energy transition.

ScreenCapture_2019-3-11 12.14.51 Transcript

[Background music plays]

The Sound of Shell, orchestral adaptation

[Text displays]

Shell New Energies

[Video footage]

Title displays over panning satellite footage of the sun rising over the earth, as seen from space, the earth’s surface filling most of the frame.


As demand for energy increases, the need to find more and better ways to power our world has never been greater.

[Video footage]

Panning aerial night-time footage of illuminated city buildings, with traffic moving on the illuminated streets below. Time lapse bird’s eye view of tall illuminated city buildings, the lights of traffic streaking the streets below. Upward tilting footage of tall illuminated city buildings. Time lapse bird’s eye view of traffic coursing on all levels of an illuminated multilevel city interchange, illuminated city buildings forming the background. Slow motion low angle footage of pedestrians walking past the shot on an illuminated city street; the footage speeds up. Time lapse footage of a pedestrian scramble at an illuminated city intersection. Low angle time lapse footage of illuminated tall city buildings, seen from street level. Aerial night-time footage of vehicles with headlights on, driving on a six-lane highway.


The transition to a lower carbon future brings opportunity.

[Video footage]

Slowly panning bird’s eye view of a large illuminated building with black domed rooves, set against the background of an illuminated cityscape. Slow motion close-up of pairs of legs passing the shot as pedestrians cross a street; in the background, we see the shining headlights of waiting vehicles. Extreme close up of bulb filament lighting up against a dark background. Low angle footage of a dark city skyline set against night skies; against the dark background, the buildings are sequentially illuminated. Time lapse footage of people waiting on the platform of a subway station, then of passengers boarding and disembarking the subway train after it arrives and stops in the station.


Through our New Energies business, Shell is investing up to $2 billion a year in cleaner energy solutions.

[Text displays]

Investing up to $2 billion a year

[Video footage]

Low angle panning footage of a deep water wind farm; at the horizon, the sun rises as the blades of the wind turbines turn against lightening skies. Low angle close-up of a row of solar panels over which text displays; in the background, the sun rises in cloudy skies over a rural landscape.  Reverse view footage of a man carrying a boy whose arm is slung around his neck; the man lifts his arm to point out over the rural, hilly landscape beyond. Panning bird’s eye view of a green hilly field filled with wind turbines; in the background, a low-set sun casts rays of light over the scene. 


To reduce CO2 and keep us on the move, we’re opening hydrogen stations across Europe, California and in Vancouver.

[Text displays]

Opening hydrogen stations

[Video footage]

Low and extreme wide angle time lapse footage of the movement of trains and passengers at Foggy-Bottom GWU Metro station. Wide angle time lapse footage of pedestrians crossing at zebra crossings on a city street lined with tall buildings; in the background, vehicles drive along the intersecting street. Close-up of a hand lifting a fuel nozzle out of a hydrogen fuel pump, cutting to a close-up of a hand placing the fuel nozzle, displaying an “H2” logo, into a vehicle’s tank to refuel; test displays over this footage. Close-up of signage on a vehicle side panel, with the wording “Powered by Hydrogen” alongside the “H2” logo.


For electric vehicles, we’ve introduced fast charging at fuel stations to recharge in less than 30 minutes.

[Text displays]

Less than 30 minutes

[Video footage and animated sequence]

Low angle close-up of a hand taking an EV charging plug out from a Shell banded RechargePlus charging point. Close-up of a hand plugging the charging plug into a vehicle’s socket; white line animated graphics and text appear onscreen at frame right, alongside the charging socket, to indicate the charging battery. Tilting close-up of a display screen displaying a green “start” button, red “stop” button with a battery level indicator between the two buttons; text at the top of the display screen lists statistics related to normal charge, battery capacity, charging cycle, actual time and current estimated driving range. Close-up of a smiling young man, looking down at the tablet held in his hand and lifting his other hand to hover over the tablet screen while, in the background, a man and woman sit together at another table; text displays over the footage.


Shell’s NewMotion provides the largest network of charging points in homes and businesses across Western Europe.

[Text displays]

Largest network of charging points

[Video footage]

Close-up of a thumb on a smartphone screen as the blue and white of the “NewMotion” logo fills the screen. Close-up of a hand touching a blue-and-white NewMotion charge card to a charging station, causing a blue light to flash on, on the charging station. Wide angle interior footage of a row of NewMotion charging stations at frame right, with a corresponding row of vehicles parked while charging at frame left; text displays over the footage. Reverse view interior footage of a man approaching a “NewMotion V2X Bi-Directional Charger” charging station. Close-up of the “V2X Bi-Directional Charger” branding on the charging station.

[Animated sequence]

Close-up of a street map of Western Europe, the map dotted with multiple location markers, each location marker displaying either a heart or an electric bolt icon. We pull back to a larger view of Europe, and again, an increasing number of location markers are displayed across Europe, including the UK and Ireland, each location marker displaying a number.


Shell Ventures is helping start-ups that offer cleaner energy solutions grow.

[Text displays]

Helping start-ups grow

[Video footage]

Reverse-side view tracking footage of Aurora Innovation’s autonomous vehicle, seen at frame-right, with cameras fitted to its roof racks, cruising over the West End Bridge in Pittsburgh, approaching the steel bowstring arch in midground; in the background, we see part of Pittsburgh’s city skyline below pale blue skies and steam rises from the car’s exhaust in lower frame-right. High angle close-up of the autonomous vehicle’s rear window as it passes under the steel bowstring arch; text displays over the footage of the reflective rear window.


Like Aurora, an autonomous driving company transforming the way people and goods move.

[Video footage]

Wide reverse-side view tracking footage of Aurora Innovation’s autonomous vehicle, seen at frame-right, with cameras fitted to its roof racks, passing under the steel bowstring arch of the West End Bridge with Pittsburgh’s city skyline in the background. High angle close-up of the autonomous vehicle’s rear window as it cruises along city streets, tall buildings either side of the road reflecting on the surface of the vehicles rear window.


We’re investing in biofuels too, researching fuel made from biomass waste.

[Text displays]

Fuel from biomass waste

[Video footage]

Time lapse footage of the sun rising through clouds and orange skies over a rural landscape. Close-up of transparent liquid gushing out of a pipe extending down from top of frame. Panning footage of a row of transparent, blue-topped bottles in a holder; each bottle contains waste items, labelled variously as yard trimmings, solid waste, paper pellets, and food waste, amongst others. Slightly panning footage of a mound of biomass waste beneath cloudy blue skies; text displays over the footage. 


And through our joint venture, Raízen, we’re producing a biofuel that can reduce emissions by up to 70%.

[Text displays]

Reduce emissions by up to 70%

[Video footage]

Tracking low angle, close-up footage of crops, a sunny sky seen through green shoots. Tracking low angle footage of a forage harvester moving through a field, chopping and harvesting as it goes. Low angle close-up of a woman in a laboratory, wearing a white laboratory coat, safety glasses and gloves, her eyes on a handheld meter as she lowers it into a flask of liquid held in her other hand; text displays over this footage. Tracking slow motion low angle footage of a happy, smiling family walking through a wooded area, the man carrying the boy on his shoulders, the woman and little girl following close behind, holding hands.


To meet the growing demand for renewable energy, we’re investing in wind projects in the US, the Netherlands, and exploring opportunities worldwide.

[Text displays]

Wind projects

[Video footage]

Tracking slow motion footage of a person’s hands holding and using a tablet screen whilst walking past a set of vertical blinds through which illuminated streets and city buildings are seen. Close-up of a hand adjusting a digital thermostat dial which is set against a wall. Aerial footage of a single wind turbine out in the ocean; text displays over this footage. Low angle footage of a row of wind turbines, blades turning against a clear blue sky. Panning footage of a deep water wind farm, the sun at the horizon in the background. Low angle footage of the blades of a several wind turbines turning against a blue sky dotted with pink clouds.


Our projects in the North Sea will have capacity to provide enough energy for almost a million homes.

[Text displays]

1 million homes

[Video footage]

Tilting close-up footage of the turning blades of a wind turbine bearing the Shell and Nuon logos, seen against cloudy blue skies; in the distance, many more wind turbines dot the ocean. Panning bird’s eye view of a deep water wind farm, seen beneath pale blue skies; text displays over this footage.


We’ve invested in one of the largest independent solar energy producers in the US and expanded into Asia.

[Text displays]

Solar projects in the U.S. and Asia

[Video footage]

Tracking close-up footage of a solar panel in amongst a field of solar panels, as it tilts, cutting to low angle footage of the undersides of the solar panels as they tilt beneath a clear blue sky. Tilting aerial footage of rows of panels in a massive solar array, cutting to wide angle view of a field of solar panels set in a grassy, rural landscape beneath cloudy blue skies; text displays over this footage.


In the US and UK, we’ve acquired energy suppliers which allows us to deliver directly to our customers.

[Text displays]

Directly to our customers

[Video footage and animated footage]

Low-angle close-up of a bulb lighting up a convex shade with yellow hues. Close-up of a hand holding a smartphone displaying a SmartHome app; the device’s user uses the app to control the lighting of the lounge, dining room and stairwell. High angle footage of a group of people eating a meal around a table laden with food, the convex hanging light above them casting light over the table.  Tracking low angle footage of power lines and tall pylons seen beneath blue skies and orange-hued clouds; text displays over this footage.


To offer residential customers more choice in cleaner energy solutions, we’ve acquired Sonnen, which allows solar energy to be stored in your home and shared with other users.

[Text displays]

More choice in cleaner energy

[Video footage]

Panoramic time lapse footage of clouds racing and skies lightening over a row of wind turbines set in a country village. Aerial footage of a vehicle driving on a street between houses clustered together in a residential country village. Close-up, in profile, of a man and young girl looking down at the display screen of a Sonnen home battery, the girl turning to smile at the man, and we cut to a wide shot of the family seated on a couch in front of the Sonnen home battery, all four family members using various electronic devices; text displays over this footage.

[Animated sequence]

Front view footage of the Sonnen home battery set against a dark background. Graphical devices appear and animate onscreen. Glowing beams extend from the top and sides of the home battery. Next, we pull back on an aerial view of a cluster of residential homes as glowing beams connect numerous parts of each home with other homes in a network of lines. We further pull back to reveal an ever greater network of interconnected lines.

[Video footage]

Close-up of a hand flipping an on/off switch on a panel of switches and buttons.


We’re also finding commercial ways to provide reliable electricity to homes and businesses across Africa and Asia.

[Text displays]

Reliable electricity

[Video footage]

Silhouette of a man throwing a cast net out over water beneath a dimly sunlit sky. Tracking reverse view footage of a man walking towards a wooden building set amongst trees and shrubs. Low angle close up of a solar panel between the trees, cutting to wide footage of the wooden building set between the trees, the solar panel tilting in the foreground; text displays over this footage. Wide footage of a small rural shop at night; a light is on inside the shop, but the outer area is in darkness until an outside light comes on, followed by further interior lighting. Close-up of money exchanging hands inside the shop; an old Asian man is seated in the background, and video footage displays on a small screen against the wall.  Close-up of a hand tapping the top of a yellow generator. High angle footage of a group of African children gathered around an exercise book, working by the light of a rechargeable lamp. Wide footage of the old Asian man drinking tea with others at a table in the shop, a tall thermos resting between them on the table; another man brings a plate of refreshments to the table.


Our New Energies business is driving transition to a lower carbon future.

[Video footage]

Close-up of solar panels. As the shot pulls back, we see an array of solar panels with the city forming the background; the time lapse footage reveals a darkening sky and increasingly illuminated cityscape below.

[Text displays]

Lower carbon future

[Animated sequence]

Graphical devices appear and animate onscreen. White lines extend from every point of a house icon, spreading out horizontally, vertically and diagonally towards the edges of the frame against a blue background. Light pulses along the lines. Text displays at frame right.


Powering progress together by providing more and cleaner energy solutions.

[Text displays]

Powering progress together

[Video footage]

Slow motion footage of people jumping up and down with arms raised at a concert; the musicians perform on stage beneath pulsating lights. Footage of early morning tai chi on The Bund in Shanghai, with Pudong skyline in the background; text displays over this footage.


Let’s make the future.

[Text displays]


[Video footage]

Close-up of the radiant, smiling face of a girl looking upwards in wonder, her face seen in profile. Close-up of solar panels with an illuminated city skyline in the background; text displays over this footage.


Shell brand mnemonic plays on keys.


Shell Pecten centred on a white background with text displaying below.

[Text displays]


© Shell International Limited 2019



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