

Title: Game Changers MASTER

Duration: 2:55 minutes


This video describes the various innovations supported by Shell in the GameChanger programme.

Game Changers MASTER Transcript

[Background music plays]

Light instrumental music plays.

[Video footage]

Fade-in medium shot of a group of six people. Four stand, a man on the left, two women in the middle, and a man on the right, and two women sit in front. Light plays across the screen causing lens flare effects.

[Text displays]

Haiyong Cai. Shell GameChanger.

Lene Hviid. Manager Shell GameChanger.

Carolina Rio. Shell GameChanger.

Jeroen Smith. Shell GameChanger.

Alicia Williams. Shell GameChanger.

Catherine Smura. Shell GameChanger.

[Alicia Williams]

We at Shell GameChanger bridge the gap between lab bench scale science and commercially viable products.

[Video footage]

Cut to close up of the left of Alicia Williams face. She is positioned right of frame, looking out left of frame. White light shines from behind, reflecting off the camera and creating twinkling lighting. Cut to wide shot showing Alicia sitting on a chair back right of grey room with white light patterned on the black wall and white geometric shapes flitting across screen. She is wearing a purple suit with blue blouse and black loafers.

[Text displays]

Alicia Williams

Shell GameChanger

[Catherine Smura]

We are essentially an accelerator programme for early stage start-ups with potentially relevant ideas for the energy industry.

[Video footage]

Fade across image of right of Alicia’s face, right of frame, into close-up of left of Catherine Smura’s face. Light and white geometric shapes flit and twinkle across screen Fade into medium shot of Catherine sitting in a chair on the grey set. She is wearing a long-sleeved white shirt. The light blurs around her as the camera pulls focus and blurs.

[Text displays]

Catherine Smura

Shell Game Changer

[Video footage]

Cut to close up of a hand holding a small square piece of metallic equipment with bolts in a circle around the edge. Light and white geometric shapes fade in and out of the shot. Cut to medium shot of Nicholas Flanders sitting on the grey set. He is wearing a black shirt and holds the piece of equipment up in front of his chest. Light plays across the frame and the focus shifts between Nicholas and the light. Cut to close-up of the right side of Nicholas’s head. He is left of frame looking out the right side of the shot. Cut to Nicholas on the grey set, speaking into camera. Light plays across the screen.

[Nicholas Flanders]

At Opus 12 we’ve developed a device that can convert CO2 and water into many of the products that are made from oil or gas today.

[Text displays]

Nicholas Flanders

Opus 12

[Video footage]

Cut to close up of Jungwoo Lee wearing a blue suit with white trim, and a white shirt. Jungwoo is holding a purple cylinder between her thumb and the fingers of her right hand and looks at the cylinder. Light and white geometric shapes play across the shot. Cut to Jungwoo sitting on the grey set talking into camera. Light continues to play across the picture. Blur into shot with light playing across the screen, close-up of Florent Brenguier’s hand holding a small white battery shaped like a cylinder, with a pointed end-piece. He rotates it and we see blurred and highlighted ghosted images of the battery.

[Text displays]

Jungwoo Lee

South 8 Technologies

[Jungwoo Lee]

South 8 Technologies develops next generation batteries using proprietary liquified gas electrolytes.

[Video footage]

Medium shot of Florent wearing a grey jacked with a maroon shirt. He sits on the grey set. Light plays across the screen and white geometric shapes fade in and out. Florent is holding the battery in his hands. Blur fade to medium shot of Florent centre of shot talking into camera and gesticulating.

[Text displays]

Florent Brenguier


[Florent Brenguier]

At Sisprobe we developed a technology that uses the natural seismic vibrations to explore and monitor geothermal and oil and gas reservoirs.

[Video footage]

Cut to close-up of the right side of Florent’s head. He is positioned left of frame and looks off right of shot. Light plays across the shot.

[Florent Brenguier]

That’s far more environmentally friendly than current methods.

[Video footage]

Blur fade into medium shot of Alicia sitting on the grey set, speaking into camera and gesticulating. Light plays across the shot and white geometric shapes fade in and out. Cut to closed up of the left side of Alicia’s head. She is centred in the shot and looks off to the left of frame.

[Alicia Williams]

Our purpose is to take a really high-risk proposal and derisk far enough for further investing. 

[Video footage]

Cut to medium shot of Florent sitting on the grey set. Light plays in the background and across the shot, ghosting the image. White geometric shapes fade in and out. Fade to medium shot of Florent’s right side. He is left of frame, speaking off to the right of the shot.

[Florent Brenguier]

They really had the idea of the end user and what would be required to change a lab bench product to a real, viable service for the industry.

[Video footage]

Fade and blur into medium shot of Nicholas sitting on the grey set and speaking into camera. Light plays across the shot. Cut to close-up of right side of Nicholas’s head. He is left of frame, speaking off to the right of the shot. Light ghosts a mirror of his image right of shot and white geometric shapes float in and out of frame.

[Nicholas Flanders]

It’s given us access to what industrial-scale technologists think about. So it’s allowed us to focus on where to priorities our efforts.

[Video footage]

Blur fade to white, fading into close-up of Alicia angled to the left of shot and smiling. Lens flare leaves a rainbow mark centre of frame and light plays across the shot. Fade to white, cut to medium shot of Alicia sitting on the grey set. She is right of frame, speaking to the camera. Light continues to play across the shot, as well as white geometric shapes.

[Alicia Williams]

Part of our programme is beginning with the end in mind. When we do that we make sure to take a real, critical look at what it is we’re going to work through.

[Video footage]

Blur and cut to medium shot of Catherine sitting on the grey set. She is right of frame, speaking into the camera. Light plays across the shot, blurring her image in and out. White geometric shapes float in and out.

[Catherine Smura]

We will be their biggest fan, but we’ll also be their biggest critic.

[Video footage]

Fade to white, blur cut to right of Florent’s face. He is left of frame, speaking out the right of the shot. Light continues to dapple the shot and white geometric shapes fade in and out. Cut to medium shot of Florent speaking into the camera. He is positioned left of frame and moves his hands as he speaks. Patterns of light flit across the shot.

[Florent Brenguier]

What’s unique to the GameChanger programme is that it gathers very high-skilled technical scientists, and also a team that can advise on commercial aspects.

[Video footage]

Blur to white. Fade in to close-up of the left side of Catherine’s face, tracking slowly so she moves from the right of frame to left. Light highlights the shot. Cut to long shot of Catherine sitting on the grey set. Geometric white shapes and light flit across the shot. Cut to close-up of the left of Catherine’s face. She speaks off left of frame. Cut to medium shot of Catherine sitting on the grey seat, speaking into camera. Light continues to play across the shot. A faded image of the right of Catherine’s face blurs into and out of left of shot.

[Catherine Smura]

Fail fast is a key concept of the programme. It’s not, of course, that we want the companies to fail. We want them to succeed. But in order to do this we want to work with them to identify the highest risk elements and then to address those first within the project and get them out the way before we move on.

[Video footage]

Fade to white, blur fade into close-up of the right of Jungwoo’s face. She is positioned left of frame, and looks off right of shot. As the camera tracks her, bringing her towards centre shot, a mirror image of Jungwoo’s face ghosts right of frame. Light continues to play across the shot. Cut to medium close-up of Jungwoo sitting on the grey set and speaking into camera. She is positioned left of frame and geometric highlights flit across the shot. Cut to right of Jungwoo’s face. She is left of shot and speaks off to the right of frame. Cut to medium close-up of Jungwoo sitting on the grey set, speaking into camera, right of frame. A ghosted image of the left of Jungwoo’s face fades into and out of right of shot. Cut to close-up of right of Jungwoo’s face; she is left of shot and speaks off right of frame. Light and white geometric shapes continue to flit across the shot

[Jungwoo Lee]

Partnering with a team of both technical and business experts allowed us to brainstorm and design our milestones so that we’re able to frontload the project to tackle key risk factors and game stoppers such as manufacturability and scalability.

[Video footage]

Fade to white. Blur into medium shot of Nicholas sitting on the grey said, speaking into camera. Light highlights the shot and fades in and out, with geometric shapes floating across the screen. A ghosted medium shot of the left of Nicholas fades in and out right of shot. Cut to medium shot of the right of Nicholas’s face. He is positioned left of frame and speaks off right of shot.

[Nicolas Flanders]

Getting early buy-in from a global organization like Shell through the GameChanger programme lent significant credibility to our technology.

[Video footage]

Cut to medium shot of the right of Florent’s face. He is positioned left of frame and speaks off right of shot. Light continues to highlight the scene as white geometric shapes flit across the screen.

[Florent Brenguier]

The GameChanger programme gave us confidence in our product.

[Video footage]

Cut to medium shot of Nicholas sitting on the grey set, speaking into camera and moving his hands as he speaks. Light plays across the shot and geometric white shapes float in the background.

[Nicholas Flanders]

We’ve recently completed our first commercial unit and we’ll be preparing for field pilots early next year.

[Video footage]

Cut to medium close-up of Florent sitting on the grey set. He is positioned left of frame and speaks into the camera. Light plays across the shot, and geometric white shapes fade in and out.

[Florent Brenguier]

And now we have commercial contracts.

[Video footage]

Cut to Medium shot of Jungwoo sitting on the grey set and speaking into camera. She moves her hands as she speaks. Cut to medium shot of the right of Jungwoo, positioned left of frame, speaking off right of shot.

[Junwoo Lee]

Without a doubt, without the GameChanger programme, we wouldn’t have been able to develop as quickly as we have done so far.

[Video footage]

Fade to white. Blurred shot of grey wall with white geometric patterns of light


Shell brand mnemonic played on keys.


Shell Pecten centred with text displaying below.

[Text displays]

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